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Check out the latest Player Lineup updates: Click Here
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Check out the latest AMB updates: Click Here
DartConnect’s new Advanced Match Builder (AMB) enables leagues to customize each set, providing unmatched flexibility in designing their overall match format to streamline the player experience.
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Check out the latest Scheduling Tool updates: Click Here
Save time and effort while impressing your players and sponsors:
Captains & Players get personalized schedules they can see on their mobile phone!
WHO’S LEADING THE PACK? Division standings are updated whenever a match is saved while division and team averages provide insights and comparative data. Know where every team stands BEFORE they leave the venue!
COMPLETE SEASON HISTORY. Click on “MP” (matches played) to reveal the score of every competition. Access complete match reports using the spy glass.
DRILL DOWN DEEP. See the complete roster for each team. Rank and sort players by leg win % and three dart averages. Know your team. Know the competition. Plan accordingly.
Open DCTV’s features and tools for quick reference.
League Info
Whether your league uses Facebook or a custom website, DartConnect provides a convenient link for players to access league information.
DCTV Matches
Fans and players can find live matches every league night. Use the filters and alphabet search to quickly locate the teams or players you want to find.
Player Leaderboard
DartConnect’s legendary leaderboards break down player performance across dozens of metrics, including the most critical: Three Dart Average. Never before, has so much dart data been so effortlessly collected and presented in real time. Its great to win, but it’s better to play well against opponents of all skill levels.
Division Standings
No more chasing down match reports, and avoiding inquiries as to when the standings will be updated. Leagues determine the primary ranking criteria, while selecting up to four tie breaking criteria eliminate any debate about who is on top. Avoid unnecessary season ending tie breaker matches that post pone playoffs season and create scheduling conflicts for the participating teams.
Season Archive
Its all here. Anytime you want to reference a prior season, DartConnect has you covered.
When describing formal match play, DartConnect uses the following definitions:
Who’s Competing
Opponents – Two sets of competitors, it may be individuals, doubles or an entire team
Player Line Up – The specific competitors selected to play a leg/set/match
Player Roster – All eligible players who are available to play throughout the event
Match Components
Game – This is the type of competition that two opponents engage in to determine the winner. Common “games” include 501 SIDO, Cricket and 301 DIDO.
Leg – A leg consists of one game (see prior), with two opponents.
Set – A set consists of one or more legs (see above). Most leagues limit sets to one type of game, but some designate a different game for each leg, or allow the players to select the preferred game based on play order or the winner of the cork.
Segment – This is an organizational structure that may dictate a number of sets (see prior) determined by the type of game, player lineup format (singles, doubles, etc.) or other method of structuring competition for the evening.
Match – This is the over arching entity that contains all of the sets and legs required to complete the weekly league event.
League Points – These are the points a team/player accumulates throughout the season. Often defined as “Match Score”, we use the term “League Points” to differentiate from the win/loss record of match, to accommodate situations where the available points cannot be readily defined, such as 1 point per leg or set win.
Review Tutorials & Instructions Before Your First Match
Playing in an ONLINE singles league? Click Here
Take advantage of the following resources for getting up to speed with setting up and playing a league match on DartConnect:
Scorekeeping Basics – a quick overview of the essentials
League Match Basics – step-by-step tutorial on setting up a league match
For more tutorials and information, visit the How To section of this website.
Make Sure Every Player On Your Roster has an Email
Pro Tip: Contact your league administrator to have an email added to a player’s record. If a player has a DartConnect account, make sure you provide the email that is connected to their account.
Why do players need emails? This ensures that they receive a match report every league night, while guaranteeing their player performance stats are accurately tracked from season to season. If a player subscribes to DartConnect with a personal membership, all match history associated with their league email will automatically populate their account history.
How to Confirm: The bottom of each match report will reveal which league players are missing email addresses.
Securely Mount Your Tablet
Pro Tip: Back out any existing screw near the board (such as the one holding in a dry-erase or chalk- board) to use with a hanging device such as the built-in keyhole on our official metal hangers.
We recommend all league users have a secure way of mounting the scoring device next to the dartboard in the same position as the standard scoreboard. Setups vary greatly from pub to club in every league, but almost all spaces can accommodate a tablet. Common solutions include:
Many do-it-yourself and off-the-shelf solutions exist or you can purchase our official tablet hanger from A-Z darts.
This section describes league specific issues. For scoring application issues, go to HOW TO: Basic Troubleshooting
When to contact your league
DartConnect works with hundreds of leagues and can not provide timely service for urgent league matters.
If you need assistance with an issue regarding your league, please contact your league administrators directly.
Common DartConnect issues that your league can help with:
Matches & Match Reporting:
Team/Player Roster & League Policies
The Playing Venue Lacks Wifi
Pro Tip: Once you log in to DartConnect, remain logged in unless you are on a public device.
DartConnect does not require wifi to score a match. However, it is required to log in and download any changes to the division roster. There is no reason to log out of your personal device at any time, and if you do not have wifi, and a team roster is missing a player, use the Add Players feature, remembering to add their email to preserve all performance data.
My League is Not Listed When I Login
If your league uses DartConnect but you do not see it listed in the league section, these are the most common reasons:
Pro Tip: Before the season begins, log into the scoring application and verify you can see your league, division and team roster.
Division Roster is Missing Teams/Players
Pro Tip: Always select “Check for Updates” (wifi required) before setting up a league match – this updates both the scoring application and any roster changes the league has made.
Quit the match, return to the Welcome Screen, and then Check for Updates. If players are still missing, add them manually to the team roster, using the “Manage League Rosters” function. See “Adding Players” in How To Basics.
If a team is missing, contact your league.
Player Not Receiving Match Recap Emails
First, make sure the league has the player’s correct email listed in the league rosters.
To check if the player’s email is affiliated with the league, please use our league lookup tool:
If the player’s email is not connected to the league, a league administrator can correct this in the League Portal. If the player has a Guest or Premium DartConnect account, the league must use the same email as that player’s account.
If the player’s email IS connected to the league successfully, players should check their email spam/junk mail folder for the match recaps. It is also a good idea to have players add “matchrecap@dartconnect.com” to their safe senders list.
Learn more about why it’s important for every player to have an email in the roster – Click Here
This section addresses match set up and navigation errors. If you are interested in learning how to correct scoring errors, visit Scoring Basics.
Checking Settings Before Each Set Begins
DartConnect displays the options for each set before the match begins so participants can verify or change if necessary. If the participants, game, or number of legs is incorrect, simply tap the incorrect variable, and adjust it as needed.
What if the Game has already Started?
Once a leg is underway and you notice something incorrect, you can still make a correction by selecting either BACK or CANCEL to access the settings for the leg. If a turn has already been recorded, tap the “X” on the red bar, delete the leg, and start over.
Note: Deleting the leg will erase the scoreboard. If you want to preserve this, record it (take a picture) and recreate it when you return to the leg.
Wrong Player Throwing Order
See the wrong name appear for your turn? At any time during the leg, tap the player name field to access the gold name buttons and correct the player order.
To access the prior leg to change a score or select a different winner use the following methods. Note: If you have already recorded turns for the next leg, take a picture of the scoreboard or make notes, if you want to recreate the leg without having to replay it.
Changing the Match Score - Adding/Subtracting Points
If a match score appears incorrect, you can change it by tapping on “Edit Match Score” to edit.
Tap the score # to modify final match score.
Adding Match Notes
You can add match notes to the game to record any odd occurrences, scoring errors, game notes or other issues that may be of interest to league officials.
Saving the Match
Autosave: At the end of the match, DartConnect will automatically save the match after a 90-second countdown timer.
Fast Save: You can save the match immediately by tapping the Save Match button before the countdown timer finishes.
Cancel Save: Tap the Cancel Save button to prevent the match from auto-saving in case you need to make a correction or need additional time to review the match.
Manual Save: If you need to end and save a match early or mid-match, tap Options on the red bar and select End and Save match from the options menu. If you are on the player list page, you may need to click the “X” to close and go to a different screen to access the “option” or “exit” link to save the match.
Note: WiFi Internet connection is required for match to sync to DartConnect servers and match reports delivered.
Match is stuck on device and won’t sync
If you are connected to WiFi Internet but your match will not upload to the servers from your device, there is a way to force it to upload and sync.
Go to the Welcome Screen of the app and tap the gold button:
This will access the device match log:
Retry Match Sync – Tap “Retry Sync”
Next, exit the match log, wait a few minutes and check the Welcome Screen to see if the stuck match has been removed from the log.
If not, try again.
Access playoffs with the Gold league button
Ending & Saving a Match Early
In many leagues, playoff matches are either a shortened format or an extended format, meaning it is sometimes necessary to end a match earlier than a full regular season match.
When your match is complete, do the following:
Teams with incomplete rosters (“Playing “Short”)
When playing doubles, triples or quads, pick the players that are participating (e.g. if only one player is playing doubles, select only their name) and DartConnect will insert a “miss”, for the missing player(s).
Option 2: Substitute players are allowed. (see “Adding Substitute Players“)
If no stats or identity is needed for the substitute, leagues can add a “Temp Player” record to every team roster for this purpose.
If a substitute needs to be added to the roster on match night, see “Adding Players” in the Best Practices section.
Pro Tip: Insert a period as the first character of the “first name” to consistently list this record at the top of each team roster (ex: “.Temp”). Use “zzTemp” to list the player at the bottom of the roster.
Forfeiting a Set
If circumstances require a team to forfeit a set, consult with your league on how to accommodate:
Issues with or Adding a Substitute Player
Consult with a league administrator regarding issues or specific rules for substitute players.
A substitute player can be added to any team or division as needed, make sure that this player is always added with the same email address to verify their identity:
See “Adding Players” in the Best Practice section for instructions on how to add players.
“Run Back” Players
When a team is shorthanded, some leagues allow a player on the short team to play additional legs above the maximum, but without stats counting toward official records.
Leagues with this policy should create a placeholder player in each team’s roster. Suggested name: “.Runback1” (appears at top of list) or “zzRunback1” (appears at bottom of list).
Teams can also add the placeholder player themselves, see “Adding Players” in the Best Practices section.
Uneven Teams, All Play & Large Roster Games
Some leagues allow an “unequal” number of players (ex: 3 vs 4) from each team to compete in the same leg or set or games with more than 4 players per side (DartConnect’s maximum players per team in a game is 4).
For these situations, do not select individual players, and just play team vs team.
Note: Team stats will be recorded, but individual player performance will not.
Changing Player Line Up Mid-Set (between legs)
By default, DartConnect assumes a player line up change results in a new set, so this is not an available option. If this feature is desired, the league administrator can make this available in the scoring application.
Multi-Board Leagues
DartConnect automatically merges match data from multiple devices for leagues that play on multiple dartboards during league night, as long as the following criteria is met:
Ending A Match Early / Sudden Death Playoffs
Unsupported Games
Occasionally, leagues include games other than ’01 and Cricket in their format. Currently DartConnect does not support these games. HOWEVER, these games can still be played as they always have (manually marking them) and recorded as “Wins” for one of the teams, to preserve match order.
DartConnect’s Forfeit/Win feature allows you to identify the participants, record the win and even add game notes if you prefer. Simply select the players and follow the steps to advance to the next set.
DartConnect is here to help. The links below give you direct access to resources for on-boarding your league. DartConnect continues to evolve, so we recommend you return each season to retrieve the latest versions.
To manage your league, go to the DartConnect League Portal
Use the following links:
To use one of the button graphics below, right-click on the button you want and select “Save Image As” from the menu that appears to save it to your computer.
Add the following code to your website to show the above button, directing players to “DartConnect How To Basics“
Add the following code to your website to show the above button, directing players to “DartConnect How To Leagues“
Add the following code to your website to show the above button, directing players to “DartConnect How To Events“
If you need additional help, please contact us at customerservice@dartconnect.com.