League matches are listed by each competition (set), enabling players to choose the competition they are ready to play.
Leagues can custom tailor every set, providing explicit instructions every step of the way, including who starts and scorekeeping rules.
Improve the League Night Experience!
Speed up Match Play
Reduce Match Format Confusion/Debates
Improved Match Saving Logic
Explicit Scorekeeping Reminders!
Mistake-Proof the Match Format!
Simplify New Player Orientation
Reduce Match Night Inquiries
Fewer Match Errors = Fewer Match Edits
Fewer Unsaved Matches = Less Follow Up
Pause a league night match after any set and resume match play at a later date. Ideal for leagues with 2 night formats or emergency match interruptions.
Bonus: Effortlessly use the same tablet for non-league darts until league competition resumes.
Open your League Portal Division page and click on the “ACTIVATE NOW BUTTON.” Follow the on-screen instructions to get started.
Required for Advanced Match Builder
DartConnect can automatically schedule all of your division matches, while providing teams with reminders, maps to venues and contact information for all captains.
Already have a schedule process?
Did you know? You can copy an existing schedule or build a custom schedule into DartConnect, delivering all the schedule benefits to players (email notifications, venue directions and more). Learn More